Hello Friends, a quick thought on the roles of men and woman in Christ. Men lead the household and woman are the helpmeet. Two different roles equal in dignity. If you do not understand this concept, this post is not for you.
Men think about the commandment to love your wives like Christ loves the church and died for her (Ephesians 5:25). Why is this so important? Well men, your head is Christ so you have a perfect leader to follow. Men you are the head of the woman, think about that. She has to follow your incomplete, human, fallible leadership. When you realize that you get to follow a perfect leader and your wife follows you then you are forced to understand why laying down your life for your wife is so vital. I have seen a lot of failing marriages in my time and in almost every time the problem can be traced directly to the rejection of, by men and woman, the roles that God has laid out for families. Husbands the buck starts with you. Are you the leader and servant you should be? Wives are you in line with scripture? If you are one of those having marriage problems today, can I recommend that you try laying those problems at the cross and bring yourself into your God given role?


Categories: BlogMarriage