Think About That Live, S2 EP14: Hodgepodge, Prayer, False Teachings and more

Think About That Streamed live on Nov 28, 2017 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 EP13: God’s rules work

Think About That Streamed live on Nov 21, 2017 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 EP11: The Christian response to Sutherland Springs?

Think About That Streamed live on Nov 7, 2017 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 EP10: Transgenderism, Everything is Religion and Prophecy

Link to the picture… Verses 2 Peter 1:19 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 EP9: How much Nudity is too much?

With pornography becoming just a way of life in America; with it being embedded more and more into every media. How does the Christian respond? How much is too much? Let’s Think About That. Philippians 4:8 1 Corinthians 6:18 REVIEW: BLADE RUNNER 2049 Review: Blade Runner 2049 Briefing

Think About That Live, S2 Ep8: Responding to a few points made by Tom Pennington

More on Cessationism, responding to a few points made by Tom Pennington. Response to Las Vegas and Evil You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) ( Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep7: Focus on thinking and why, also the pledge of allegiance

Jesus Christ Out Lord, Romans 1:4 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep6: Astrology, astronomy, say what??

What do the stars say? What is the Biblical response to all the hype about the stars right now? You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep5: Second Baptism, Word of Knowledge, and a few other items

The Briefing 09-12-17 Verses we are talking about today Acts 8:14–18 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep4: The Nashville Statement and all prophecy is scripture?

Nashville Statement Hebrews 1:1–2 Samuel 19:24 Acts 21:9 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Facebook: Think About That (…) Twiter: @at_hale (