Think About That Live, S2 Ep6: Astrology, astronomy, say what??

What do the stars say? What is the Biblical response to all the hype about the stars right now? You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep5: Second Baptism, Word of Knowledge, and a few other items

The Briefing 09-12-17 Verses we are talking about today Acts 8:14–18 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep4: The Nashville Statement and all prophecy is scripture?

Nashville Statement Hebrews 1:1–2 Samuel 19:24 Acts 21:9 You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Facebook: Think About That (…) Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep3: Pentecostal and Charismatic?

Is there a difference between a Pentecostal and Charismatic? Tonight we will talk about that. You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) (…) Twiter: @at_hale (    

Think About That Live, S2 Ep2: Why am I a Pentecostal?

You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) ( Twiter: @at_hale (

Think About That Live, S2 Ep1: What are we going to get into this time?

Today is just about getting season two started. You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) ( Twiter: @at_hale (


To have true compassion for someone one must choose to feel what they are feeling. To intentionally put one’s self in the other person’s shoes. Christ is a compassionate savior demonstrated by him choosing to feel what we feel. He wept, He was tempted, He bled. He is our example Read more…

Jude the Preacher

It is easy for the preacher to identify with Jude’s letter to the church. Facing the world and church with the truth has always been the lot of men of God all the way back to Noah.  Most Protestant scholars agree that the author of the book was Judas the Read more…

Think About That Live, Week of 6-26-17: How do we respond?

Some of the things we will look at today Married Mom Gets Pregnant, Then Abortion Instead of Adoption to Avoid Awkward Conversations   You can leave feedback at Other ways to connect: Website: Facebook: Think About That (Podcast) ( Twiter: @at_hale (