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Five Reasons why I know Christianity to be True.
Aaron Hale
April 29, 2021
I was recently asked, how I know the story of Jesus is true. The questioner added, isn’t it just like the story of Achilles or Krishna? In my reply, I…
A brief explanation of Calvinism TULIP, AKA the Doctrines of Grace.
Aaron Hale
January 11, 2021
This is dedicated to a dear friend. I intend this as a brief explanation, and not all will agree with how I explained each point. It is designed for people…
Fidelity to Christ in the Life of the Leader: A Brief Essay on Christian Leadership.
Aaron Hale
November 26, 2020
Introduction Biblical leadership is the step above in the Christian life. Paul highlights the necessity of outstanding personal character for pastoral leadership in his first…
God Heal Amputees? Real and Challenging Questions? A Response.
Aaron Hale
September 22, 2020
Introduction WhyWon’tGodHealAmputees.com provides a list of ten questions that they say Christians cannot answer.[1] Here there will be a response to the first of…
Apologetic Methods in Diverse Historical and Contemporary Contexts
Aaron Hale
September 19, 2020
Introduction There will not be a detailed definition given here for Neoplatonist, Aristotelian, Modernity, and Post-Modern for the purpose…
Doctrine of the Church: Authority in History, the Reformation, and Today
Aaron Hale
August 11, 2020
Introduction Authority has been a discussion in church history throughout the years. Early churches were often regional with the bishop of the region having a vast amount of power. Later…